Reception of Unaccompanied Minors in Europe: the importance of multi-actor collaboration Join us for a discussion on the opportunities and challenges of interprofessional collaboration in the reception and inclusion of unaccompanied min Read more about Reception of Unaccompanied Minors in Europe: the importance of multi-actor collaboration
#SOCIALJUSTICEDAY Call for a Just Transition! POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS is joining again today the international SOLIDAR network, in the context of the World Day of Social Justice, to call on the Read more about #SOCIALJUSTICEDAY Call for a Just Transition!
Activ: A pathway to socio-professional reintegration for women facing domestic violence Since November 2020, the partners of the Erasmus+ Activ project - Acting & Collaborating to Tackle Intimate Violence - have been working togeth Read more about Activ: A pathway to socio-professional reintegration for women facing domestic violence
Het onthaal van LGBTQIA+-asielzoekers in België verbeteren In het kader van het project, dat mede gefinancierd wordt door de Cel Gelijke kansen van de FOD Justitie, POUR LA SOLIDARITE-PLS publiceert een stu Read more about Het onthaal van LGBTQIA+-asielzoekers in België verbeteren
Verbetering van de opvang van LGBTQIA+-vluchtelingen in België Naar aanleiding van de Internationale dag van de mensenrechten en in het kader van het Rainbow Welcome-project, dat mede gefinancierd wordt door de Read more about Verbetering van de opvang van LGBTQIA+-vluchtelingen in België
Convergences publishes “3Zero: 100 Concrete Solutions for Tomorrow’s World” At a time when the whole world is experiencing an unprecedented upheaval with day to day life brought to a screeching halt, how can we prepare the Read more about Convergences publishes “3Zero: 100 Concrete Solutions for Tomorrow’s World”
Involvement of companies in the fight against gender-based violence in Belgium One of the main activities of the “CARVE – Companies against gender violence” project consisted in carrying out qualit Read more about Involvement of companies in the fight against gender-based violence in Belgium